Getting started

What do you need to be able to cook with your kids at home?

Baking with your child can be a fun and rewarding experience. To make it easier, here's a list of essential ingredients and supplies that a home baker should have in their store cupboard:

  1. Flour: All-purpose flour is versatile and suitable for most baking recipes.
  2. Sugar: Granulated sugar and brown sugar are commonly used in baking. Caster sugar is not necessary (and is also far more expensive).
  3. Baking powder and bicarbonate of soda: These raising agents help baked goods rise.
  4. Salt: Enhances flavour in baked goods and balances sweetness.
  5. Baking spread: I prefer this to butter, as it is less greasy.  It's also easier for making the recipes plant based.
  6. Eggs: Used as binders and provide structure in baked goods.
  7. Vanilla extract: Adds flavor to a wide range of baked goods.
  8. Milk: Used in various recipes, such as cakes, muffins, and pancakes.
  9. Cocoa powder: For making chocolate-based treats.
  10. Chocolate chips: Perfect for cookies and other sweet treats.
  11. Yeast: Essential for bread baking, both active dry yeast and instant yeast are commonly used.
  12. Honey or maple syrup: Natural sweeteners for certain recipes.
  13. Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, pecans, or other preferred nuts for adding texture and flavour to baked goods.
  14. Porridge oats: Ideal for making cookies, granola bars, or oatmeal-based recipes.
  15. Spices: Common baking spices include cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and all mixed spice.

    And finally, the equipment that you need:

  1. Baking pans and sheets: A variety of cake pans, cookie sheets, and muffin tins.
  2. Mixing bowls: Different sizes for mixing ingredients.
  3. Measuring cups, spoons and scales: Accurate measurements are crucial in baking.
  4. Whisk and spatula: Essential tools for mixing and folding ingredients.
  5. Cooling racks: Allow baked goods to cool evenly.
  6. Parchment paper or baking mats: Prevents sticking and makes cleanup easier.

Remember to consider any dietary restrictions or allergies when stocking your pantry. With these ingredients and supplies, you'll have a well-equipped store cupboard for enjoyable baking sessions with your child.

Categories: : Baking with children